Your new acquisition program has been a valuable investment of time and effort. Your boss, board, and the team have been convinced that new players are needed. You now have to attract new players with a budget that is manageable on a sticky note.

Did you know that there are new players right under your nose? They’re also right under your nose, unfortunately. They’re your players. Now what?Harvard Business Review: “Corporations can increase profits by at least 25% by decreasing customer defections by at most 5%.”

Your goal is simple: Keep your players playing in your casino more while keeping your players playing in your casino more. Simple?Yes.Easy?It is not. You need to understand the reasons why players leave. This will help you understand why players defect and how to fix it.

The Defector’s Doctrine is the following:

1. They die.

It’s impossible to do anything when a part of your database is lost, destroyed, or self-archived. It is inevitable. It is nature’s way to ensure you don’t get lazy regarding your acquisition programs. However, you can prepare for it. Follow your 80/20 rule to ensure you know which percentage of your database generates the most revenue.

John Romero was a guru in casino database marketing. He used to say that you should think of your player base as an elevator. The bottom is where new players start. They rise to the top as they play better and become more loyal. They will, eventually, reach the top of the escalator.

Translated, you have to keep people riding the escalator longer.

2. They leave.

They are so daring. They spent so much time talking to them, implementing their suggestions, and comping their brother-in-law to the buffet. Then, you gave them the offer when they forgot the coupon. You can implement a non-local/destination activation program to try and “keep in touch” with them. These people often return to their families and friends, and eventually, they might even move back.

This is a lovely thought. Imagine that you can move but still receive mail from your favorite shops. We’re sorry that you have moved. However, if you come back to visit us, we’d love for you to return. We know how important your family and friends are, so we extend our offer to them. We want to supply you with a bit of encouragement to let you know how much we miss you!

The problem with reaching out to players who have moved on is that you may not be able to keep in touch with them as often as you used to. It is possible to try harder to get them back than you did to keep them here. Who will monitor the program? How many emails do you sense before you give in? Curious, did you ever wonder why they left? Was it family, illness, or a new job? If you mustn’t have the chance to get to know your guest while they are here, it is likely too late.

3. Your competition stole them.

Really?What if you didn’t want to keep your player? That was not what you expected. You didn’t see what your competitors were doing to entice players. There was no conversation, no secret program. It was a surprise.

It is possible that they attended the competition, but did not return? What does their casino’s perception of winning compare to yours? Are you able to recall how aggressively your tried to win new clients? These are just three steps. Promise, Deliver, and Repeat. Seriously. I would have gone.

4. Service is poor.

You lost players because of poor service or perceived poor service. It hurts. Your joint is not the same as theirs if they have poor service. We all have the same magic, don’t we?” Here are 10 dollars. You don’t have to make me a winner. Just make me happy.” Now, I’m not sure that we can get that right.

The casino industry is not for those who provide lousy service. It’s not always visible, and it can’t be heard, but it’s there. It can take many forms: from idle conversations between front-line team members to being listened to, to the PBX operator not picking up on the fifth ring, or the third TITO kiosk out of order.

You can take the time to explore your property.Sit down next to a player and park your car in the valet. Then, take a stroll through the parking garage at night. See how long it takes for that trash can to empty and how long my call is placed on hold. While you can fix what you see and hear, you won’t fix the problems that you don’t know. People who stay are more likely to complain than those who leave.

5. They have outgrown your offerings and amenities.

You need to know your players better than anyone. You know their needs and why they continue to visit you. Change is inevitable, regardless of how you feel about it. Your players don’t have to be happy if they think they are so glad. What happens next? Then, someone offers them something better, brighter, and more powerful.

Gamers are like cell phone users. Over 50% are constantly looking for a new experience, whether it’s in the form of style, service, amenities, or just to keep up with the Jones. Apple invented the iPhone. It was easy enough to make a phone call before. It didn’t take extended for you to realize you needed a camera, music downloads, and a built-in GPS.

While you can’t stop players from changing, you must remain consistent with your messages, offerings, and amenities. You cannot be someone you are not, and you can only excel at what you have. Have you updated your slot product? Is your new team as friendly? What about you? Is it your mid-life crisis? Are you wearing a Tommy Bahamas’ new look instead of a tie and coat? What’s the deal with “Good morning, miss Sally”?

By understanding the reasons why players defect, you can create a game project that keeps your players loyal. These tips will help you to remember:

Provide a superior gaming product each time, and meet or exceed your expectations.

  • Deliver high perceived value.
  • Provide clear benefits and not only features.
  • Be available and reliable.
  • Concentrate on positive experiences
  • Respond quickly to all inquiries.

The casino industry, it’s a jungle out there, a battlefield of relentless competition. So, how do we stand tall amidst this dog-eat-dog environment? The answer is closer to home than you might think. It’s time to turn that gaze inwards and delve deep into the fabric of your operations, offerings, and experiences.

Consider this – your game library, the beating heart of your casino. It’s not just an array of game titles assembled. No, it’s an orchestra, each game a unique instrument, contributing to an ensemble that resonates with your players. Is this orchestra playing a symphony that keeps evolving, or is it repeating the same old tunes? Regularly introducing new, thrilling games can help stir up interest, and the ensuing buzz can draw players like bees to nectar. It’s an age-old mantra – adapt or perish.

Ponder also about the overall atmosphere of your casino. Picture yourself as a player stepping into your establishment. Does the casino floor welcome you like an old friend, or does it resemble a dreary, cluttered attic? Are you able to navigate effortlessly, drawn towards your favorite games, or are you caught in a labyrinth? And your amenities, are they the cherries on top, adding to an already delightful experience? Remember, ambiance can be the unseen thread that keeps players tied to your casino.

Now, think about the support system you offer your players. It isn’t just about settling disputes or tackling grievances, albeit crucial. Are you the guiding hand to your novice players, helping them navigate the enthralling yet complex world of games? And for your seasoned veterans, do you provide avenues for them to sharpen their skills? Providing education to your players not only enhances their experience but also cultivates a sense of community, sowing the seeds of loyalty.

Remember your casino’s customer service, the beacon of your brand. Your staff is the human embodiment of your casino. Do they extend the warmest of welcomes, a beacon of friendliness, help, and attentiveness? Do they make every player feel like VIPs worthy of appreciation and respect?

To sum up, sure, getting new players onboard is crucial, but retaining the ones you have is equally, if not more, vital. A meticulous understanding of your players, constantly evolving your gaming product, and stellar customer service are your secret weapons in maintaining player loyalty and ensuring your casino’s survival. But this isn’t just about surviving; it’s about thriving, expanding, and succeeding. These strategies are the bedrock of a prosperous casino. It’s a game of endurance, not just luck.

In the ever-shifting landscape of casino management, the art of captivating and keeping players is as complex and nuanced as the games that glitter on your casino floor. The charm of your establishment lies not only in its magnetism for newcomers but also in its ability to weave a spell around those who have already crossed its threshold.

Grasping the nuances of why players might drift away is pivotal. Each player’s exit is more than a mere statistic; it’s a narrative rich with insights, offering valuable lessons to enhance the allure of your casino. Envision your casino as an opulent theatre: each slot machine, every card table, a stage for a mesmerizing performance. The critical question then becomes: are you orchestrating an enthralling spectacle, or are your offerings just ticking over?

Delve into the ‘Defector’s Doctrine’, a roadmap to decode the motivations behind a player’s decision to leave. Beyond the unavoidable life circumstances that whisk players away, your gaze should fix on the elements you can influence. Do your patrons yearn for gaming experiences that mirror the quantum leap from a basic cell phone to an advanced smartphone? The allure extends beyond the mere array of games; it encompasses the entire experience — the ambiance, the caliber of service, the sense of being in a place that’s alive with excitement.

Transform your casino floor into a realm of exploration and serenity. Each space, each game, should narrate a tale, beckoning the player into a larger, more exhilarating narrative. Are your offerings adapting to the evolving tastes of your clientele? In the same way that technology marches forward, your casino must keep stride with emerging trends, presenting cutting-edge and captivating experiences.

Additionally, ponder the quality of your service. In the casino sector, excellence in customer service isn’t just a goal; it’s a cornerstone. Your staff are not merely employees; they’re the living embodiment of your brand, the human connection that can either elevate or deflate a guest’s experience. They must be more than mere presences; they should be active, engaging, genuinely invested in the happiness and comfort of each patron. This is about fostering an environment where every guest feels not just recognized, but truly seen and appreciated.

Now, consider personalization. In an era where bespoke experiences reign supreme, how deeply do you understand your players? Can you tailor their experiences, games, and rewards to align with their unique tastes? Personalization isn’t just a strategy; it’s the thread that can knit a dedicated community of players to your casino.

In summary, keeping players loyal to your casino is a complex, multi-layered endeavor. It involves deciphering the mysteries of player defection, continually refreshing your gaming and service, and crafting a rich, personalized experience for every person who steps into your world. Ultimately, it’s about shaping your casino into more than a mere gambling venue — it’s about creating a haven, a place where players feel cherished, understood, and keen to return. In the casino world, it’s not just about the players’ strategies; it’s about the house’s strategy too.